Tuesday, March 17, 2009

It's 5:45am on Tuesday - very early for us, but we're trying to go to bed and get up as early as possible to help prepare for the time change.  Only 3 more days and we're off to the Great White North! 

Yesterday we picked up our visas from the Russian Consulate. It was so easy that we made it to Houston and back in less than 3 hours during rush hour! For those adopting, we highly recommend ordering and picking up visas in person if you're anywhere near a Consulate. We were going to practice a little of our Russian but we chickened out for the most part. Oh well - there will be plenty opportunity for that.

We are still extremely excited - and still a little in shock.  I just pray that we will be able to be fully present during the trip so we can actually remember it. Today we will create little photo albums for the 2 kids to keep - pictures of our lives here in Texas so they can see what they might be in for, and so they can have something to hold on to during the long wait between our 2 trips.

3 more days!!!


  1. I'm so glad y'all are doing a blog! Boston and I are so excited for yall!! How great that y'all are making little photo albums! :) I will be praying that God will be preparing those 2 little hearts as well as yours. :) so you are leaving on...friday? keep us updated!
    love, Brooke

  2. I was just thinking about you and praying for you earlier before I remembered that you were going to start a blog. I think this will link to my blog, too. (Since you'd ask, not to hijack your blog readers!)
