Tuesday, June 30, 2009


The verdict is in, and we will be parents officially in 13 days! Court was not anti-climactic afterall. We were plenty nervous and excited, and kept in suspense. Afterward Natasha, who was incredibly relieved, told us that if it had been any of the past judges she knows, we would have had a "no" verdict, or not had an invitation to court at all, due to the mistakes and issues that came up at the end. So God knew exactly what authority to put in place at what time in order for His purpose to be accomplished. Wow.

The judge asked us some good questions, but fewer than expected, and she did not harp on any particular subject like religion or Bob's history or our parenting plans - only asked brief questions and was satisfied to move on. To those of you who wrote character references and various letters this month, you should know that those letters were crucial to our success. The judge, and everyone we had to convince yesterday, mentioned the difference the letters made. They really did turn things around for us. The orphanage social workers and municipalities gave wonderful recommendations and really focused on the fact that this is a good match, and that in their eyes it is the last chance for these children.

The kids were great - the judge brought each in separately - we didn't know Dasha would be involved at all because of her age - but she asked them briefly whether they wanted us to adopt them. Dima was so nervous beforehand and evidently prepared for much more than he had to do. The way things have turned out, his strong confidence in his own decision and unwillingness to waiver even when questions arose have made all the difference. The orphanage director, municipality personnel, and judge all put a great deal of stock in his resolve. And it means so much to us to know that he is confident in what he is doing. Dasha was cute as ever and basically tongue-tied in front of the judge.

It is all so hard to believe! I think we're just trying to take it in. After we blogged last night I felt like we were just giving the facts and there is so much more - but I'm sure you don't have all day to read anyway! Suffice it to say we are overwhelmed, grateful, excited, and a little tired, but we are all those things as a FAMILY!

Dima and Bob are passed out on the bed behind me - it's all just too much I guess. But we need to go to dinner, so I'll wrap it up soon. We had ice cream to celebrate today, and tonight we will eat Georgian food, which is yummy, for our celebration dinner - just the 4 of us with no interpreter and no English menu - always an adventure!

Then tomorrow we will ride the hydrofoil boat to Peterhof and Natasha will go along to translate. Since we have now begun the 2 week appeals portion of the process (where we fully expect NOTHING to happen), we will take the kids back to their "camps" tomorrow then head off to Northern Finland to wait things out there. Our official "gotcha day" where we get the adoption decree is July 13!

So many of you have been gracious and loving enough to pray us through this - we can only hope to be the kind of support for you that you have been for us. As I've said a million times, and not enough, thank you.

To God be the glory - he has put together our family!
Karen (and Bob, in between sleeps)


  1. That is amazing! Congratulations! You will both make great parents and will be a blessing from God for those children. God is great!

    Charlie S

  2. Hoo hoo hoo, hee hee hee - lamaze breathing for you! This has been much harder than childbirth, that's for sure!!

  3. PRAISE GOD! Ü We are SO excited for y'all and can't wait to meet the kiddos!

  4. Ok, seriously I am crying! It is such a miracle! God is so good and faithful! We love you guys and can't wait to meet Dima and Dasha. May your 13 days go quickly.

  5. So excited for all of you! We have been praying and the kids are excited to meet Dima and Dasha!! Keep us updated and congrats!

  6. I think about you guys everyday and I prayed.
    Glory! Is about all I can manage to express.
    Bring 'em home.

  7. My heart is just so THRILLED for you guys!!! Congratulations!! We can't wait to hear more and see Dima and Dasha!! They are already SO loved here :)

  8. Now I want you to blog EVERY DAY so I can keep tabs!
